西方神秘學大師羅‧米洛‧杜奎特證書工作坊 Lon Milo DuQuette 2-Day Workshop Hong Kong

西方神秘學大師羅‧米洛‧杜奎特證書工作坊 Lon Milo DuQuette 2-Day Workshop Hong Kong

日期:19/1及20/1 (兩天)

時間:10:00 - 18:00

費用:HKD 5900

導師:Lon Milo DuQuette

上課地點:九龍旺角西洋菜南街2A-2H號銀城廣場25樓 (港鐵E2出口)

西方神學大師 Lon Milo DuQuette (托特塔羅解密一書作者) 再次來臨香港

2017Lon Milo 老師次在香港傳授西方神秘學的奧秘,令各參與同學大開眼界,受良多。2019年老師再重臨亞洲, 香港有幸是其中一站!



“生命之樹”- 被譽為西方神秘學中的圖騰,亦是猶太卡巴拉學中最重要的圖像。衪是通往宇宙集體潛意識的路徑圖,從最高和單一的“上帝帶領”之“覺醒”,至“你頭腦中”零碎和惺忪的夢境。但路徑圖所顯示的並不是一個旅程,“生命之樹”所遺留下來的其實只是一張白紙,直至我們每個人都固執地從被困多層的夢境中開始“喚醒”,這個工作坊就是一個開始“喚醒”的過程。


在下午的時段中,Lon Milo老師會帶領大家作冥想練習,穿梭於生命樹中10個重要支點,走進當中的22條路;工作坊的目的是幫助大家達至更平衡的生命及增加個人的靈通能力。此是次工作坊適合不同人士來參加,機會十分難得,不要錯過學習攀上“生命之樹” 及從迷夢中醒過來。

第二天:製作屬於你個人的行星護身符 - 天使、靈魂和魔法袋



1.      能夠喚起有生命力及在世的神靈力量(當中包括元素、行星、煉金術或神話);

2.      將其特定的能量集中到已準備好的物件之上;

3.      然後捕捉“神靈”及將祂存儲在物件當中,就好像充電電池般儲起能量一樣。



工作坊以英語授課,有粵話翻譯,完成兩天課程可獲   Lon Milo 大師親自頒授工作坊證書。

日期2019119-20 (星期六及日)
時間:上午10:00 至下午6:00 (午休1.5小時)
地點:九龍旺角西洋菜南街2A-2H號銀城廣場25樓 (港鐵E2出口)
費用:兩天課程合共HK$5,900|二人同行,每位優惠價 HK$5,500
查詢info@mercury-shop.hk | Whatsapp & 電話   51858949 Ida 

羅·米洛·杜奎特Lon Milo DuQuette講者簡介

杜奎特大師是國際知名的神秘學研究學者。他自1975年開始擔任組織東方聖殿Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O.)幹部,現在是美國總會副指導師,是二十世紀魔法界中甚具影響力的學者。

他研究的神秘學包括卡巴拉、魔法、占星和塔羅等,曾出版十七本暢銷書藉(被翻譯成十二種語言)。其中他寫下數本關於神秘學大師艾利斯特·克勞利Aleister Crowley(托特塔羅牌作者)的著作,最暢銷的書Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot已翻譯為中文書《托特塔羅解密》。


Lon Milo DuQuette講者專業簡介|又名Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford 

  • 作家、講師、音樂家和神秘學專家
  • O.T.O美國總會副指導師
  • B.O.T.A成員
  • 薔薇十字會A.M.O.R.C.會員
  • 共濟會32nd 階成員    


The Qabalah: Tool Box of Practical Magick

Day One: The Qabalah Tool Box of Practical Magick
Qabalah Ceremonial Meditation Workshop
Climbing The Tree of Life: Awaking from the Dream within a Dream within a Dream.

Mystical diagram known as "The Tree of Life" is the world's most-recognized Qabalistic image. It serves as a roadmap of the entire spectrum of universal consciousness, from the supreme and singular "Awake-ness" of 'God-Head', to the fragmented and "Sleepy" dream-consciousness of 'Your-Head', But the roadmap is not the journey, and the "Tree of Life" remains just a piece of paper until each of us willfully take steps to start "Waking Up" from the many layers of dreams we are trapped in. This workshop is designed to start the "Wake-Up" process.

The morning session of this workshop is a 10-part series of mini-ceremonial initiations, exercises, and meditations designed to attune the class to the specific frequencies of conscious of each of the 10 Sephiroth (or Emanations) of The Tree of Life.

The afternoon session of this workshop is a 22-part series of brief astral-projection exercises and meditations for each of the 22 Paths that join the 10 Sephiroth.

No matter what the student's personal level of development and understanding currently is, the workshop is intended to bring balance and a greater measure of psychic attunement, and begin the Great Work of 'Climbing The Tree of Life' and awakening from the dream.

Day Two: Creating Planetary Talismans: Angels, Spirits, and Magick In Your Pocket

Creating Magical Talismans (and magically 'charged' amulets) is one of the most fundamental and practical skills of the practicing Magician. As simple and as practical as it may seem, it is Magick of the highest order. Because, in order to create a talisman correctly and effectively the magician must:

 1) invoke a dynamic, living, spiritual force (Elemental, Planetary, Alchemical, or mythological) and

 2) focus its specific energy into a properly-prepared material object,

 3) then capture the 'Spirit' and store it in the object the same way a battery stores energy.

While the general principals of talismanic magick are true and applicable for many types of Talismans and spiritual forces we will ultimately focus on Talismans of the Seven Planetary Spheres and the classic Qabalistic Divine Names, Archangels, Angels and Spirits associated with them.

The morning session covers the general background and theories underlying classic talismanic magick, and includes suggestions on how-to-select an appropriate planetary force to work with, and exercises and instructions on how to properly prepare yourself and materials. I

At the afternoon session the class will actually construct and magically charge their own individual planetary Talismans.

The workshop will be conducted in English with Cantonese translation. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance on completion of all sessions in the 2-day workshop.

Workshop Information
Date: 19-20 Jan 2019 (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10:00am to 6:00pm (Lunch break 1.5 hour)
Venue: The Wave Mongkok
Fee: 2-day workshop HK$5,900 |Two people joining together HK$5,500/each
Enquiry: info@mercury-shop.hk |Whatsapp & Mobile 51858949 Ida 

About Lon Milo Duquette

Mr. Lon Milo DuQuette is a best-selling author of 17 books (translated into 12 languages) and an internationally recognized authority on Magick and the Occult, Qabalah and Tarot. Since 1975, he has served as a national and international officer of Ordo Templi Orientis, the most influential magical society of the 20th century. (He currently serves as the United States Deputy Grand Master of the O.T.O.)  He has written several books on the life and magick of the O.T.O.’s most celebrated member, Aleister Crowley, including the best-selling, “Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot.” (whch has recently been translated into Chinese.

Mr. DuQuette travels extensively to lecture. In the last few years he presented a series of 15 workshops and rituals in Beijing, and prior to that 2 workshops in Shanghai and a Tarot course in Taipei. 

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