American Avalon School of Astrology -
American Federation of Astrologers - www.astrologers.com
International Academy of Astrology - www.astrocollege.com
Kepler College for Astrological Education - www.kepler.edu
The Cosmic Intelligence Agency (C*I*A) -www.cosmicintelligenceagency.com
Sydney Astrology School - www.sydneyastrologyschool.com
Astro*Synthesis - www.astrosynthesis.com.au
School of Traditional Astrology - www.sta.co
The Faculty Astrological Studies -www.astrology.org.uk
The London School of Astrology - www.londonschoolofastrology.co.uk
Mayo School of Astrology - www.mayoastrology.com
Astrological Lodge of London -
National Council for Geocosmic Research https://geocosmic.org/