



費用:HKD 80

導師:Rodolfo (Rod) Turolla

上課地點:ZOOM online event

我們將會討論“ Magick” 魔法,你可能聽過不同顏色的魔法包括黑魔法、白魔法、綠魔法,紅魔法,或者是不同的界別(低階、高階),甚至是令人生畏的名字如儀式魔法、以諾魔法、混亂魔法、招魂術等。這是一場初階入門的講座,是通往魔法學的學習地圖,從了解魔法的起源至為何它是可行的。最後會有Q&A問答環節。
The Art and Science of Magick, an Introduction.
We will talk about “Magick”. You may have heard of it in different colors (Black, White, Green, Red) or in different heights (Low, High) or even with intimidating names like Ceremonial, Enochian, Chaos, Necromancy. This is an introductory lecture, a roadmap to Magick Science, its origins and how and why it works. With Q&A session.
日期 Date: 21- Oct-2020
時間 Time: 19:30 HK Time
語言 Language: 英語
講者 Speaker: Rodolfo (Rod) Turolla
費用 Fee: HKD80
因為講者希望最後Q&A部份可給予有質素的回答,所以名額非常有限,請從速報名,付費後會收到 email確認,報名後款項將不能退還。
Rodolfo (Rod) Turolla 多年一直學習及研究西方赫密士秘學、神秘學、哲學和魔法學,他是國際著名神秘學會和歐洲ESSWE (European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism)的成員,更是日本Alchemist’s Den (Esoteric and Hermetic Study Society)的創辦人,在東京會定期舉辦有關學會主題的研討會和講座。
Rodolfo (Rod) Turolla has been studying and researching Western Hermeticism, Occult science, Philosophy and Folk Magick for several years. He is member of well known initiatory societies, the academic ESSWE (European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism) and founder of the Alchemist’s Den (Esoteric and Hermetic Study Society) in Tokyo where he regularly hold seminars and lectures on related subjects.
A practicing magician with both a scholar and practical approach to the “Black Arts”.

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