



很多年前,Dr. Deepak老師給我這條問題的回答是,因為你的土星跟木星有相位……之後我就從此踏上占星之路,他的答案只是一個誘因。木星是迫使我要尋找人生意義的最大動力,沒有意義,一切都不快樂。但這意義對我來說,又是很個人的事,可能你不會認同,所以,每個人對快樂的定義,都可以不一樣。

戲中Hector是一個需要規律生活的精神科醫生,有穩定的工作,有把他照顧得好好的女朋友,生命中所有的都是可預計得到。有一晚Hector跟女友參加公司的晚宴,有一位女士告訴Hector她很想要”Happiness”但把 Happiness讀成”Penis”,令Hector跟女友笑了一個晚上,也就因為此,給Hector走上他的旅程,去尋找什麼是快樂。


  1. Making comparisons can spoil your happiness
  2. A lot of people think happiness is being rich or important.
  3. Many people see happiness only in their future.
  4. Happiness could be the freedom to love more than one woman at the same time.
  5. Sometimes happiness is not knowing the whole story.
  6. Avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness.
  7. Does the person you’re with bring you predominately A) up or B) down?
  8. Happiness is being loved for who you are.
  9. Happiness is answering your calling.
  10. Sweeting Potato Stew.
  11. Fear is an impediment to happiness.
  12. Happiness is feeling completely alive.
  13. Happiness is knowing how to celebrate.
  14. Listening is loving.
  15. Nostalgia is not what it used to be.


